Support materials

Manuals, handouts, tutorials, pocket guides, infographics, e-books, storytellings and more:

  • Development of instructional resources to support training actions and training programs.
  • Production of independent materials such as infographics, storytellings, e-books, handouts, tutorials and pocket guides, for educational or informational purposes.
  • Graphical facilitation for recording events, lectures, meetings and meetings that need to have their information organized for later verification in reports and printed or digital materials or even for recording and assimilation of the content at the end of the meeting.


Competency mapping, support for the creation of Corporate Universities:

  • Business analysis based on indicators, qualitative and quantitative research and performance management (balanced scorecard), to transform goals into results.
  • Survey and crossing of the necessary competences for the performance of each position and function of the company, with a view to the development of learning trails, training programs, recognition programs, performance evaluations and career plan.
  • Didactic support for the development and implementation of Corporate Universities and management of knowledge produced through learning management systems (SGA).

Content Factory

Dedicated team, exclusive content, speed and economy:

  • Development of tailor-made courses and training programs in continuous flow, ensuring agility and quality in the delivery of different types of content and instructional resources.
  • Dedicated team, own coordination, specialists, content designers, instructional designers, designers, programmers, proofreaders, instructors and tutors able to deliver the best solutions for classroom or distance learning courses.
  • Development of integrated solutions, with optimization of resources and taking advantage of the learning curve of the team involved in customer service.


Question bank, face-to-face or remote applications, reports and contesting evidence:

  • Preparation of a database of questions based on training content or other internal guidance, for the composition of random tests applied on a virtual platform (remotely) or in person.
  • Certifications can be carried out after application of face-to-face or distance training, to strengthen learning and ensure public participation in the evaluation process.
  • Evidence contestation reports and analysis available on online certification.

Video and podcast production

Video animations (motion graphics), videolearning, web series, white board animation, corporate tv productions, corporate podcasts:

  • Videos production: in various formats: video animations, storytelling in motion graphics, videolearning, web series, white board animations, video classes in standard format (in studio) and viral videos.
  • Content production and editing for Corporate TV, with periodic deliveries and dynamic formats, suitable for the public, brand and business objectives of each company.
  • Content production and podcast editions for corporate purposes, which can be for internal or external public, always focusing on the concepts chosen by each company.


Business games (serious game), games (casual games), board games (board games):

  • Serious games help turn business strategies into action.
  • They can be board games (board games), games (casual games) or games of questions and answers (quiz) in face-to-face or remote formats.
  • We use game based learning as a methodology to develop or improve technical and behavioral skills.

Remote actions

Digital solutions, responsive courses, compatible with different platforms and operating systems:

  • E-learning: online courses, in HTML5 format, which can be linear or non-linear, using different support solutions (activities, games, videos, infographics, characters, animations, illustrations), with the aim of promoting learning and facilitating access to information. They can be of low, medium or high complexity and available for different LMS (Learning Management System) platforms.
  • Video production: production of corporate videos in various formats such as video animations, storytelling in motion graphics, videolearning, web series, whiteboard animations, video classes, viral videos, Corporate TV. Periodic or unique deliveries, with dynamic formats, adequate to the public, to the brand and to the business objectives of each company.
  • Virtual convention: corporate events for dissemination and celebration of results, with the participation of up to 100 employees, with different possibilities of themes, formats and duration.
  • Audiobook: production and editing of the narration of the content chosen by the company, which can be for internal or external audiences.
  • Digital booklet: content diagrammed and available in PDF, with dialogic language and visual support, for presentation of technical and informative content in up to 50 pages.
  • E-book: digital book, on a scormized platform, available for download, with informative language, for the presentation of contents that need a higher level of explanation and detail.
  • Learning map: virtual, illustrated and interactive scenario, with linear or non-linear navigation and interactive interface to present information regarding environments, business chain, processes, information flow or or presentation of content in an illustrative format
  • Podcast production: production and editing of podcasts for corporate purposes, which may be for internal or external audiences, always focusing on the concepts and content chosen by the company.
  • Live production: guidance on posture, voice, communication and preparation of the environment for live broadcasts and video production for social media. Lives are great tools for positioning, increasing engagement and training.
  • Infographic: one-piece graphical representation that facilitates the understanding of complex content or processes. It can be static, animated or interactive.
  • Webinar: courses, presentations or virtual lectures with interaction via chat, with the aim of informing/training on topics relevant to our customers, on a videoconference platform and with a suggested duration of 1 hour.
  • Debate: 100% online conversations on previously defined topics, led by an experienced mediator and moderated via chat. Excellent tool to broaden discussions about products and actions implemented by companies and bring customers together.
  • Microlearning: process applied to small groups to develop strategies, solve problems and empower teams through learning based on the business reality.
  • Video resume: guidance and support in the production of resumess in video format, seeking to facilitate the hiring of people and reduce costs and time for HR.
  • Gamification: the use of game based learnin as a methodology in order to develop or improve technical and behavioral skills. Business games, recreational games, table games and quizzes.

Presential actions

Trainings, lectures, workshops, action learning, gamification:

  • Training: elaboration of technical and behavioral content with the support of a variety of didactic materials and taught by own instructors or partners.
  • Lectures: dynamic presentations of specific topics developed by a team of experts ready to stimulate interest.
  • Workshops: short-term, on-time-actions, based on group discussions, designed to ensure decision making and problem solving.
  • Action learning: 100% practical training, applied to small groups and focused on the development of business strategies and problem solving, through learning based on games and challenges.
  • Gamification: the use of game based learnin as a methodology in order to develop or improve technical and behavioral skills. Business games, recreational games, table games and quizzes.